Meer decadence van Dedalus

Mocht men half januari in Londen zijn dan kan, zo men wil, het volgende evenement bezocht worden:

Decadence and Noir from Dedalus at 7.30 on 16 January 2007 at The French Institute
17, Queensberry Place, London,SW7:

‘Dedalus’s list has been inspired by the French literary fantasy tradition and has carried on that tradition to the present day . The Dedalus list is full of decadent, bizarre, grotesque fiction and noir writing whether in translation or original English language fiction. Dedalus celebrates its role of Europe’s premier decadent publisher with the anti-lifestyle guide The Decadent Handbook edited by Rowan Pelling, which contains work by the decadent masters Huysmans, Octave Mirbeau, and Pieyre de Mandiargues and from the present day Giullaume Lecasble and Sophie Jabes.
Rowan Pelling, former editor of the Erotic Review and a leading cultural commentator will discuss decadence and its role in our society and there will be readings and performances by those well known flaneurs and men about town and Medlar Lucan and Durian Gray and a reading from Alice the Sausage by its translator Paul Buck.’

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